Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Best and Worst Chores That I Have to Do...!!!!

When I was a child, we lived with my parents, brothers and sister in a big house. This house had a big red floor and we have to waxing with red wax. This chore was very hard because my mom want a shiny floor. We have to apply a big layer of wax in the floor and use a “polish machine” to get a beautiful and shiny floor. This was my favourite chore because I could jump on the machine and got fun! My sister took me with the machine and polished the floor. I had

great memories about that.

The chore that I heated was washing the dishes. After had lunch of dinner, my mom asked to my brothers and me for help to wash the dirty dishes. For my, it’s was the worst chore and I tried to change to my brothers for others chores, but it was very difficult because nobody likes this one. Just a few times I can exchange. In summary, I had a good memories about the chores because my family are very kind and lovely and always tried to gave me easy jobs in our house. I miss this times….


1 comment:

Jeff said...

That polishing machine sounds fun!

Advice: Watch the past tense verbs near the end (Always tried to *give* me easy jobs...)