Sunday, July 13, 2008


After that I come to Canada, the healthy food is not my way. Customs here are different than my country. I used to eat a good lunch at the lunch time but here, I always eat a sandwich or sometime like that at lunch time. After, when I’m home, I eat a good dinner cooked for my aunt. She is really beautiful and worried about our food. She always tries to give us healthy, balanced, and delicious food. For me, this way of feed is not working, just because I used to get a different way and I could not get used.

Junk food is always an alternative because is delicious, faster, and easy to get; they are everywhere and anytime! For me, the think with the junk food is just the frequency. If you try to mix healthy food, even when this not comes from your house, with junk food you can have the perfect mix. Sometimes healthy food is boring, but more times than junk food. That is why you should try to eat healthy food more often, even if you don’t want to.

"Burger King's connections in the police department finally came in handy"

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I love the pictures! You also stated your ideas well.

Advice: Use "more often" for frequency (That's why you should try to eat healthy food more often).