Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Best Cell Phone...

The Cellphone is an amazing invention. We can choose from many brands, models and funtions. In adittion, prices are very different. Recently, the world knew the new cellphone made it by Apple: THE iPHONE. If you ask me, this phone are changing the cellphone's world. All the features in the iPhone are better than any other cell phone made so far.

The iPhone is not only a regular cellphone, the way to operate the phone is amazing. This phone don't have bottons with numbers or letters. The touch screen made everything!!! Also, the iPhone have the Wi-Fi technology. This feature make possible get the best and fast internet, e-mail, google search and maps.

If this is not enough, this cellphone have the best mp3 reproductor; the iPod. With 8, 16 or 32 gigas of capacity, the Iphone have the best capacity of the cellphones in the world.

For all this things and many others, the Iphone is the best option in cellphone so far.

*Images and info take it from


1 comment:

Cosse said...

I want one of this!!!!!!!!