Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rin Rin Tadpole | Rafael Pombo's Fable | Colombia

This fable is about the mother frog and his son, “Rin Rin tadpole”. The history start went Rin Rin leaves their home without permit from his mother, and she doesn’t want to allow him because she fell that something is wrong. Rin Rin leave the house and he don’t care about the warning of his mother, Miss Frog. In the way he found a friend, Mr. Mouse, and he invite to join him in this adventure. Now, both of them walk for the way to the Miss Mouse’s house. In that place, all together drink beer and sing. Suddenly, in this party appear Miss Cat and her sons. Them, all of them, Rin Rin and the others mouse run fast, but Rin Rin jump in to the mouth of a Duck, who eat him. Now the mother Frog is sad and alone.

The moral from this fable is about warnings and advices that other gives us, especially from people who love us like our parents. In our lives is very important to listen them because they have more experience and they are very clever, and their advices are selfless.


El hijo de rana, Rinrín renacuajo
Salió esta mañana muy tieso y muy majo
Con pantalón corto, corbata a la moda
Sombrero encintado y chupa de boda.

-¡Muchacho, no salgas¡- le grita mamá
pero él hace un gesto y orondo se va.

Halló en el camino, a un ratón vecino
Y le dijo: -¡amigo!- venga usted conmigo,
Visitemos juntos a doña ratona
Y habrá francachela y habrá comilona.

A poco llegaron, y avanza ratón,
Estírase el cuello, coge el aldabón,
Da dos o tres golpes, preguntan: ¿quién es?
-Yo doña ratona, beso a usted los pies

¿Está usted en casa? -Sí señor sí estoy,
y celebro mucho ver a ustedes hoy;
estaba en mi oficio, hilando algodón,
pero eso no importa; bienvenidos son.

Se hicieron la venia, se dieron la mano,
Y dice Ratico, que es más veterano :
Mi amigo el de verde rabia de calor,
Démele cerveza, hágame el favor.

Y en tanto que el pillo consume la jarra
Mandó la señora traer la guitarra
Y a renacuajo le pide que cante
Versitos alegres, tonada elegante.

-¡Ay! de mil amores lo hiciera, señora,
pero es imposible darle gusto ahora,
que tengo el gaznate más seco que estopa
y me aprieta mucho esta nueva ropa.

-Lo siento infinito, responde tía rata,
aflójese un poco chaleco y corbata,
y yo mientras tanto les voy a cantar
una cancioncita muy particular.

Mas estando en esta brillante función
De baile y cerveza, guitarra y canción,
La gata y sus gatos salvan el umbral,
Y vuélvese aquello el juicio final

Doña gata vieja trinchó por la oreja
Al niño Ratico maullándole: ¡Hola!
Y los niños gatos a la vieja rata
Uno por la pata y otro por la cola

Don Renacuajito mirando este asalto
Tomó su sombrero, dio un tremendo salto
Y abriendo la puerta con mano y narices,
Se fue dando a todos noches muy felices

Y siguió saltando tan alto y aprisa,
Que perdió el sombrero, rasgó la camisa,
se coló en la boca de un pato tragón
y éste se lo embucha de un solo estirón

Y así concluyeron, uno, dos y tres
Ratón y Ratona, y el Rana después;
Los gatos comieron y el pato cenó,
¡y mamá Ranita solita quedó!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


After that I come to Canada, the healthy food is not my way. Customs here are different than my country. I used to eat a good lunch at the lunch time but here, I always eat a sandwich or sometime like that at lunch time. After, when I’m home, I eat a good dinner cooked for my aunt. She is really beautiful and worried about our food. She always tries to give us healthy, balanced, and delicious food. For me, this way of feed is not working, just because I used to get a different way and I could not get used.

Junk food is always an alternative because is delicious, faster, and easy to get; they are everywhere and anytime! For me, the think with the junk food is just the frequency. If you try to mix healthy food, even when this not comes from your house, with junk food you can have the perfect mix. Sometimes healthy food is boring, but more times than junk food. That is why you should try to eat healthy food more often, even if you don’t want to.

"Burger King's connections in the police department finally came in handy"

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Nothing Hills Review

This is a very good history, but full of clichés. This is the history that many people wants to live; a famous person who knew a regular one, them they fall in love and finally they get married, and overcoming all they differences and troubles. However is a funny and well told history. One of the best parts was when they know each other. This was a good part. The funny chapters are when William had to become a reporter just to see Anna. Also, when they went to have dinner to the William’s friends house. This was a very entertained and witty part. Finally, when William and his friends have to run to catch Anna at the hotel, and he enter into the press meeting and ask Anna for love, in a very unusual way.

Maybe some parts of the movie are a little bit boring. When Anna rejects William, both times, William looks like a looser and he always is sad and mind-numbing. Perhaps, he has to looks in this way to make more interesting the history, but from my point of view, the author shows more than the mind the defects and situation of William.

In summary, I recommend the book and the movie because it is funny and entertained.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Best and Worst Chores That I Have to Do...!!!!

When I was a child, we lived with my parents, brothers and sister in a big house. This house had a big red floor and we have to waxing with red wax. This chore was very hard because my mom want a shiny floor. We have to apply a big layer of wax in the floor and use a “polish machine” to get a beautiful and shiny floor. This was my favourite chore because I could jump on the machine and got fun! My sister took me with the machine and polished the floor. I had

great memories about that.

The chore that I heated was washing the dishes. After had lunch of dinner, my mom asked to my brothers and me for help to wash the dirty dishes. For my, it’s was the worst chore and I tried to change to my brothers for others chores, but it was very difficult because nobody likes this one. Just a few times I can exchange. In summary, I had a good memories about the chores because my family are very kind and lovely and always tried to gave me easy jobs in our house. I miss this times….


Sunday, June 15, 2008

The New Scirocco

The Volkswagen Scirocco was designed for the first time in the 1970's by Guigaro. This model was a derivation of the traditionally famous car from Volkswagen, "Golf". The first car was build in 1974 and immediately was a successful: 25,000 cars sold in 11 months. This unexpectable hit gived to Volkswagen the goals to jump with very famous and respectable cars brand from Germany.

By the beginning, the driving experience made in the Scirocco's was great. This coupe made the different for German drivers. With 1,500cc and 4 speeds, and carburetor, the Scirocco Mark 1 was a fastest car. In 7 years, the car receive some upgrade to 1,600cc, 5 speeds and fuel injection engine, and leather interior until 1981.

Scirocco's Mark 2 was introduced in December of 1981 with 110hp and the same engine. In 10 years, the Scirocco received many upgrades, like 1,800cc and 139hp engine, on the GTI version. On June, 1992, the production of Scirocco was ended.

Now, Volkswagen introduce the The New Scirocco, a great car made and designed in Germany entirely by Volkswagen. With 2,000cc and 200hp engine, this car make a wonderful experience again for drivers. It isn't a fastest car with 7.1 seconds from 0 to 100 kms/h, but it's a amazing combination of speed and performance. With the TSI technology, the fuel is injected to the engine by turbocharger or with a combination of turbo and compressor. This features made the engine very efficiently because the fuel is burned in the best way and TSI's motor can "exploit" in the best time and with the most energy as possible.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Best Cell Phone...

The Cellphone is an amazing invention. We can choose from many brands, models and funtions. In adittion, prices are very different. Recently, the world knew the new cellphone made it by Apple: THE iPHONE. If you ask me, this phone are changing the cellphone's world. All the features in the iPhone are better than any other cell phone made so far.

The iPhone is not only a regular cellphone, the way to operate the phone is amazing. This phone don't have bottons with numbers or letters. The touch screen made everything!!! Also, the iPhone have the Wi-Fi technology. This feature make possible get the best and fast internet, e-mail, google search and maps.

If this is not enough, this cellphone have the best mp3 reproductor; the iPod. With 8, 16 or 32 gigas of capacity, the Iphone have the best capacity of the cellphones in the world.

For all this things and many others, the Iphone is the best option in cellphone so far.

*Images and info take it from


Sunday, June 1, 2008


I want have a very different pet, one that is already extincted, many years ago. About this animal, so many people write, made movies, paints, and many other things... This creature is amazing, bigger, older than the humans, very smart and different than all the others animals.

I want a get a Dinosaur's pet...!!! All my live I was thing is a great animal, specially the T-Rex. Tyrannosaurus Rex, his scientific name, was one of the largest land carnivores of all times. With 12.8 meters long and was 4.o meters tall at the hips. The T-Rex was considerer the most powerful and biggest predator in the earth. This es the problem with the T-Rex because to feed my pet I need for example almost one cow per day!!! It's too expensive and difficult for me!!!

The most important problem is his aggressiveness. He's very brave, he has a very bad caracter. I have to control him because nobody can touch herself.